Do You Offer Detox on Premises?
If you are struggling against the tide of substance abuse, you need help before you’re completely inundated with the negative consequences that sustained addiction can bring. Contact us and we can provide you with the quality support you need to successfully face substance abuse and come out on top. Don’t delay any longer, when the first steps toward recovery can be taken simply by picking up the phone and getting in touch with one of our treatment experts. We are dedicated to providing clients in our addiction recovery program with the impeccable treatment they need to succeed in achieving their recovery goals.

Our story is a
story of process.
When you first enter our addiction recovery treatment center, you’ll begin by taking part in an intake interview. During this interview, which will be conducted by a friendly and welcoming member of our recovery team.
You’ll be asked a plethora of questions. These inquiries will cover a variety of topics, including your personal history of addiction, as well as any history of addiction that may be possessed by a member of your family. By being entirely honest, both with yourself and with the staff member conducting the interview, we’ll be able to provide you with a plan for addiction recovery treatment that is fully customized to fit your needs.
- Supervised Detox
- Individual Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Aftercare Services
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Recovery Unplugged Is Ready To Provide You Or Your Loved One With Our Drug And Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program.
Get Help Now!

Customized Treatment Programs
At some drug rehab clinics, every client is provided with the same plan for substance abuse recovery treatment. However, this fails to take into the account the diverse and unique nature of addiction. Because addiction is derived from the personality of the individual, every addiction is singular. While certain regimens of treatment will work well for one person’s situation, this does not necessarily mean that those same strategies will be the best tactics to use for everyone. In order to ensure that each individual gets the assistance they need to successfully attain their recovery goals, we provide all of our clients with a customized plan for recovery.

Heal In Comfort
One of the strategies for addiction recovery treatment that we provide to clients who can benefit from it is dual diagnosis mental health treatment. Dual diagnosis is appropriate when a client is struggling with a co-occurring mental health disorder in addition to their struggle to cope with addiction. When a client finds themselves in this situation, it is essential that they get both the co-occurring disorder and the substance abuse adequately treated in order to ensure the best possible chance at attaining recovery.